June 6, 2021: We wish to speak briefly to those who are wanting to deepen their spiritual connection. This is a time on the earth when all humans are, in a sense, called to account. There is no hiding from not knowing. READ MORE
Greetings. We are pleased to be with you and we are wanting to speak about the part we might play in your messaging. We see that we can be helpful to some who will come to you for individual and counseling related to their spiritual concerns and progress, but also things having to do with the difficulties of living on the Earth plane right now. And so, yes, we will definitely step forward for some of those who will be coming and we will be of assistance to them.
We are present to serve with a focus on healing that assists those on the Earth in opening to the fullness and truth of their Being. Small steps can yield great rewards as the heart opens, the Light expands and the soul is nourished.